Have you tried to search your own name on the search engine???
A couple weeks a go, a friend of mine in one of the mailing lists I've joined. Have tried to find every info about me on the net.
As a result. He found out some info about me. Which I didn't ever think that he could come up with.
Out of curiosity where and how he got it, I used our fav search engine google as a first step.
The result is amazing for me... as I can found out my name listed on the first page (>.<)
I've tried to search a couple of names that came across my mind but can't find an info about them.
Is it a sign that I have to much info about me available online? Or it is a sign that I used internet to much that I leave my trail behind?
Whatever it is, I really loved to be able to remove some of my trail (^_^).
Why? well... I don't know exactly why... For someone who will someday ruled over the universe (! -.-) ... It's too easy to find an info about me....
A couple weeks a go, a friend of mine in one of the mailing lists I've joined. Have tried to find every info about me on the net.
As a result. He found out some info about me. Which I didn't ever think that he could come up with.
Out of curiosity where and how he got it, I used our fav search engine google as a first step.
The result is amazing for me... as I can found out my name listed on the first page (>.<)
I've tried to search a couple of names that came across my mind but can't find an info about them.
Is it a sign that I have to much info about me available online? Or it is a sign that I used internet to much that I leave my trail behind?
Whatever it is, I really loved to be able to remove some of my trail (^_^).
Why? well... I don't know exactly why... For someone who will someday ruled over the universe (! -.-) ... It's too easy to find an info about me....
*merasa tersindir dan tersungging*
Hell no fellah! It is just because I am the trackmaster with great Homok database that is easy for me find any info in a sec, especially 'bout the truth. Kakakakakakakakakakakkak!
Iya, google is everything for me...
Aku juga dapet banyak info dari google kok om...
Sebagai contoh, aku tau kalo om ace pernah jadi pembicara diseminar NECTAR 07.03 : Netbeans Mobility Pack for Java Mobile Edition diIPB, nebak aja sih... ;p
-Kamus GDI™
yg satu DB admin milis khusus homok
yg satu... pinguin yg doyan makan kamus ama browsing wikipedia
Kakakakakaaa... =))
-Kamus GDI™
Noh kan nom, sejak ente masuk wiki trafik blog meningkat ditambah ente sudah ganti leyout. keren kan?
iye kalo pengunjungnya mahluk normal sih gpp... (!-_-)
rekuwes updet
lah, iyah.. emang ada manusia normal? senormal-normalnya pasti ada uniknyah khan? termasuk juga para homok..
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